GROUP 6 Week Fitness Challenge (begins AUGUST 1st)

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GROUP 6 Week Fitness Challenge (begins AUGUST 1st)


Reach your fitness goals quickly & effectively with the support of a group

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This 6 week online fitness program offers the support, encouragement, and accountability of a small group (maximum 12 people). Sessions will last 1 hour each week with use of Google Meet. Each session will include coaching tools and support through the successes/challenges of the program. Minimal equipment is needed for the weekly workouts—

You will need 8lb dumbbells. Cardio machines can be helpful, but not necessary as cardio can be completed outdoors. This program is designed for workouts at home or gym with minimal equipment.

BEGINS August 1st at 2pm (Pacific time) (5pm Eastern time)

Each live session will be held on Thursdays at 2pm (Pacific time)

Program Includes:

  • 6 LIVE online sessions—beginning August 1st at 2pm (Pacific Time) (5pm Eastern)

    Sessions will be each Thursday for 6 weeks on Google Meet (1 hour each)

  • Meal plans, workouts, and other tools will be emailed (printable files)

  • Fitness Coaching—learn the science behind goal planning, focus & motivation, and the aspects of physical results in weight loss and strength building

  • Daily Accountability—engage in a private Facebook group for extra accountability

  • Weekly Support—discuss success & challenges, demo the weekly workout, discuss meal plan, receive coaching tools for behavior change and lifestyle maintenance

  • Great Prizes—earn prizes for reaching your goals!